Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It's just paint

It looks frightful, but really it is just paint. In my job as studio dog, I am often able to liberate some of the equipment and investigate it thoroughly in the yard. I am really trying to help the Feeder in her investigations. For example - is it edible? Will it move if I toss it in the air? Will it bite back? Will it hurt anyone in the house? Will it eat my food? Anyway, after my investigations were over, I ended up with some red paint on my paw. I am not sure exactly how it happened. It was a long tube with a screw top and liquidy stuff inside that didn't taste so great actually. Then it got on my paw as you can see. The Feeder thought this was not such a good thing and I did get a talking to. (By the way, I am colorblind, and I am pretty much taking the fact that it was "red" on faith- looked grey to me.) We made up shortly thereafter and I promised I would never ever ever in a million dog years ever do anything like that again (heh! heh!)

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