Sunday, October 11, 2009

Birthday party goes to the dogs

I went to my first birthday party for my friend Bella. She is looking splendid in her little beanie, munching on one of the gifts. All the dogs got balls for favors, so we didn't have to fight over anything. No one cried, which the Feeder said is rather unusual as most of these parties go. (Dogs don't cry! Sometimes I wonder about her). Anyway, I used to think I was Bella's only boyfriend, but apparently there is another lab, Bubba, that has taken my place. I wasn't too happy about that, so I chased him around the dog park a bit. (I hope I impressed Bella. I think she likes us bad boys!).


Joan said...

Rigi no need to worry I'll always have eyes for you. You're just a little GU "geographically undesirable"..wish we lived closer so we could take walks together. xo Bella

Irene Abraham said...

well, i'll be thinking of you too. Sad to think I am any kind of "un-",
but I understand - I know you don't drive (yet!)